Webinar: World IP Day – Conversation on Impact of COVID-19 on IP

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Webinar: World IP Day – Conversation on Impact of COVID-19 on IP

Gün + Partners will once again celebrate the World IP Day.

On the occasion of this special day, which is celebrated to remind everyone of the critical role that intellectual property plays in encouraging creativity and innovation, on 27 April 2020, we will discuss the impact of COVID-19 on intellectual property rights.



Moderator: Özge Atılgan Karakulak
Speakers: Selin Sinem Erciyas and Zeynep Seda Alhas

  • “How to”s with civil, criminal and customs IP proceedings in an isolated world
  • Innovation in the shadow of compulsory licensing, export bans and other extra ordinary measures
  • Q&A

Date: 27 April 2020, Monday  15:00 - 16:00 (GMT+3)
Zoom Webinar ID: 960-1092-8300

Please click here to join the webinar